jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Politics of Warden Woods

The neighborhood of Warden Woods is governed by the Liberal Party. Specifically, by the politician Michelle Berardinetti. Time ago, Berardinetti used to be a political consultant to corporate community organizations and used to work as an assistant with some prominent Members of Parliament. But this was before she was elected City Councillor for Ward 35, the area where is Warden Woods (Scarborough Sothwest) on October, 2010.

During all this time, Berardinetti did a lot of good things for the community. For instance, she was the person who led the charge for the Scarborough Subway, she secured major funding for some important projects, she opened a new fire station, she expanded library hours and she improved commute times for all road users, among other successful results.

She always showed concern about this area, especially during the 2006 campaign when she wanted to make sure that the community received its "fair share" of tax dollars. After saying frases like these, the politician obtained enough votes to start to work as one of the most important person in charge of this area:

"A lot of our property tax dollars are being spent downtown, and not here. For example, a road in the downtown will get paved 2 or 3 times before one is paved out here" said.

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