jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Into the Warden Woods

Warden Woods is an area of approximately 68 hectares stretching 1.8 km along Warden Avenue, north and south of St. Clair Avenue East. Warden Woods belongs to the biggest area of Scarborough.

Warden Woods is located in the midst of existing residential communities, and is served by the TTC Warden subway station, very helpful for all the residents. The subway system, the development industry and other agencies represent a significant asset for the area. The area has undergone a number of changes in recent years leading Toronto to undertake a comprehensive review.

The community is comprised of a mix of private and public lands, and there is an important variety of employment, industries, ravine system. Besides, this area includes library, school and other community facilities with a good infrastructure. A system of public streets and pedestrian walways integrated with adjoining neighborhooods will provide internal connections and will link Warden Woods to the arterial road system and public transit. Key linkages will integrate Warden Woods with adjoining neighborhooods.

Warden Woods will provide a full range of housing to accommodate a broad range of household incomes and sizes, under varied forms of tenure and with a range of building  forms. Higher density residential uses are promoted adjacent to the subway station to enhance opportunities for transit use to place of work.

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